
14:00 - 14:05
14:05 - 14:35
프로젝트 연구 성과 소개
아태지역 저탄소항만 인정 및 평가틀
14:35 - 15:25
15:25 - 15:30


  • Dashan Jia (Secretary-General, APSN)

    Dashan Jia

    Secretary-General, APSN

    Dr. JIA Da Shan is Scretary General of APSN, Vice President and Chief Economist of China Waterborne Transport Research Institute (WTI). Dr. Jia, as a professor, is a key member of the Expert Committee of the Ministry of Transport of China and a State Council Special Allowance Expert of 2002. He is also Chairman of Container Transport Committee and Chairman of Shipping Insurance Committee of China Institute of Navigation.

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  • Ouchen Cai (Deputy Director, APEC Port Study Center, APSN)

    Ouchen Cai

    Deputy Director, APEC Port Study Center, APSN

    Mr. Cai Ouchen, designated as the Deputy Director of the APEC Port Study Center co-founded by China Waterborne Transport Research Institute and the APSN, has been long conducted studies on environment and sustainability issues in the maritime sector. He is a member of the MEG under the APEC TPTWG, and used to be one of China’s UNFCCC negotiators. Since November 2014, he has been getting involved in the study and development of the GPAS program, and being responsible for its implementation by present.

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  • Young-Tae Chang (President, Korea Maritime Institute)

    Young-Tae Chang

    President, Korea Maritime Institute

    Since 2019 President of the Korea Maritime Institute
    Since 2015 Visiting professor at World Maritime University
    Since 2003 Professor at the Asia-Pacific school of logistics at Inha University
    2010 Chairman of the steering committee at Green Growth Ocean Forum
    2006 President of Korea Port Economic Association
    2004 Founding secretary-general of Global U8 Consortium

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  • Michael Dooms (Associate Professor Management and Strategy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

    Michael Dooms

    Associate Professor Management and Strategy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

    Dr. Dooms (Master in Management Engineering, Solvay Business School, University of Brussels – VUB, 2001, Magna Cum Laude; PhD in Applied Economics: management engineering, University of Brussels, 2010) is affiliated as an assistant professor with the Solvay Business School of the University of Brussels (VUB). His PhD thesis treats the spatial and dynamic aspects of stakeholder management, with an application to large-scale capital investment projects in the transport sector. His other research interests are in the fields of complex project evaluation in the transport sector, internationalization strategies, and corporate strategy.

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  • Geraldine Knatz (Senior Consultant, APSN)

    Geraldine Knatz

    Senior Consultant, APSN

    Professor of the Practice of Policy and Engineering, a joint appointment between the University of Southern California Price School of Public Policy and the Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. She served as the Executive Director of the Port of Los Angeles from 2006 to January 2014. She was the first woman to serve in this role and made a significant impact through the creation and implementation of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan, an aggressive plan that reduced air emissions by combined port operations of over 70 percent over five years which is recognized around the world for its innovation and success. She was also the Managing Director of the Port of Long Beach where she also led a number of environmental initiatives, including the Green Port Policy and Truck Trip Reduction Program. She is past president of the American Association of Port Authorities and past president of the International Association of Ports and Harbors. She serves as Gov. Brown’s appointee on the Ocean Protection Council. She has received numerous awards, including Outstanding Women in Transportation (Journal of Commerce, 2007), Woman Executive of the Year (Los Angeles Business Journal, 2007), Compass Award (Women’s Leadership Exchange, 2008), honorary PhD, Maine Maritime Academy (2009), and the Peter Benchley Ocean Award (Blue Frontier Campaign, 2012). In 2014, she was named a member of the National Academy of Engineering in recognition of her international leadership in the engineering and development of environmentally clean urban seaports.

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  • Horacio Salerno (Former Associate, Arup)

    Horacio Salerno

    Former Associate, Arup

    Horacio Salerno is a Spanish chartered Civil Engineer (MSc), a member of PIANC, and certified by UNCTAD as a course developer and trainer. He holds a Master’s degree in Port Management from the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and completed the Port Engineering Course organized by JICA in Japan.

    He was Spain’s representative in PIANC’s Working Group producing the “Sustainable Ports – A Guide for Port Authorities”; expert member of the Evaluation Committee of the Green Port Award System for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC); Maritime Engineering Business and Practice Leader for the Europe Region for Arup; former Professor of Port Design at the Port Engineering Graduate School (UBA); former Joint Professor of River and Sea Works (UTN-BA).

    Horacio is a port consultant focused on maritime and river transport with particular emphasis on port issues. Throughout his forty years of professional career, he has been involved in the planning, design, construction, and assessment of ports and specialized terminals of all types (containers, general cargo, ro-ro, dry and liquid bulks, cruise, fishing, and marinas) with references in more than 60 different countries of five continents.

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  • Dong Yang (Associate Professor, Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

    Dong Yang

    Associate Professor, Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Dr. YANG Dong is an associate professor and associate head of Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Director of International Shipping and Transport Logistics Master Program, Deputy Director of Shipping Research Centre, at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is Associate Editor of International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (IJSTL), Maritime Business Review (MBR) and THE MARITIME Economist. He also acts as guest editor of several prestigious journals including Transportation Research Part E, Transport Policy, Maritime Policy & Management, and Journal of Advanced Transportation.

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